Thursday, March 29, 2012

SocialFeed Updates

How was I not following @TheRealNimoy before? Thank the Shatner. Also, Sheldon meets Spock tonight. I'm happy for him.
@leolaporte Your current shoes are too old to walk to the store? We don't hold with that online shopping stuff in Canada.
Download faster!
Won a free copy of the @Newsweek Beatles issue! I never win Twitter contests.
I often find that lawyers have trouble calling me Billy. I should find a way to turn this to my advantage.
@gruber The simplest and most impressive thing about Paper is that nothing happens when you rotate the iPad. Like paper.

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)

SocialFeed Updates

RT @mashable: Racist Tweets Result in 56 Days in Jail -

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

SocialFeed Updates

@joemittler I now anticipate trouble when I try to parse the French XML files.
Government HTML comments are bilingual. (@ehsanmotamedi)
Gave 4 stars to Interface by Neal Stephenson on Goodreads.
I enjoyed this book a lot. It was written in 1994 and Stephenson hadn't quite developed the "infodump" at this point, but I definitely recognized the writing...
He just has to be nonviolent, look how thick his glasses are:

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)

SocialFeed Updates

How sweet. A door to door salesman.

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

SocialFeed Updates

I disagree, #TTC. Free papers on subway seats are a great way to pass the time. Plus, reuse saves trees.

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)

SEO experts capitalize on Mies van der Rohe architecture

It shouldn't surprise me since it's a sneaky SEO strategy (all SEO strategies are sneaky) that makes perfect sense. The Doodle ensures that millions of people will run a particular search that day (Mies van der Rohe architecture). If you create an article that uses those terms, then you can drive some extra traffic to your publication. People who come to find out who Ludwig Mies van der Rohe is will stay to read a couple other articles. Still, it saddens me to see news reporting subordinated to Google Doodles. It's not the architect or the Doodle that's the news, the news is SEO.

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)

Monday, March 26, 2012

SocialFeed Updates

I like this iPad more than I thought that I would.

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

SocialFeed Updates

#Overheard: "We should get white. If I have red wine, I can't drive."

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)

SocialFeed Updates

Brilliant. RT @NathanFillion: When the Zombie Apocalypse comes, you'll thank me.

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

SocialFeed Updates

STOP THE PRESSES: DIY Lucky Charms Marshmallows
Wow. @flipboard

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

SocialFeed Updates

If you don't know what you're talking about, admitting any ignorance is dangerous.
Why do I always walk up the stairs and take the elevator down?

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

SocialFeed Updates

Fantastically complicated:

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)

Friday, March 9, 2012

SocialFeed Updates

It hurts my brain to see an author get who vs whom correct and end that same sentence with a proposition.

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

SocialFeed Updates

I don't get it, @Android. I tried to "play" The Hunger Games, but the movie never started. Instead, I got a book, which cannot be "played".

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)