Monday, September 16, 2013

Dojox/Socket, Node.js, and

I've been playing around with node.js and I decided to try setting up a web socket connection. I'm using on the server side and Dojo Toolkit on the client side. Things on the server-side were straightforward. However, I decided to give dojox/socket a shot and got the following error:
-debug- destroying upgrade
As it turns out, dojox/socket is a fairly plain wrapper over the browser's built-in Websocket object (with long-polling support added). does rather a bit more and (rightly or wrongly) seems to prefer talking to itself. Luckily, if you're not too picky, you can easily include the official (AMD-compatible) client: [codesyntax lang="javascript"]
require([  	'../'  ], function(io) {  	var socket = io.connect('ws://localhost:8000');  	socket.send("Hiya server!");  });
[/codesyntax] Note that the proper relative path to the file has to be specified (the proper version of this file is automatically served by through node.js).

Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)