bookshelves: to-read Good, but it always seemed like it was about to end. |
Originally posted by William Barnes (Billy Barnes)
bookshelves: to-read Good, but it always seemed like it was about to end. |
RT @google: The power of the Apollo missions in a single Google search Aug 28 19:40 |
Why won't the people at the front of the crowd at Busker Fest sit down? Aug 25 16:30 |
Why, #ttc, is the air conditioning never on in a crowded bus or a on a hot day? Aug 24 8:15 |
British court censors documentary on London riots: Jul 18 18:31 |
@SGgrc See grc.securitynow re: position on Stuxnet. Can a computer virus be targeted enough? Jun 22 15:00 | ||
Harry Potter theme played on wine glasses: Jun 22 14:05 |
@shwood Not Xbox 720. "The New Xbox". Jun 19 16:29 |
I wish it didn't clash. Jun 15 20:42 |
@leolaporte I find it odd that everyone loves unlimited subscriptions to music, but wants a la carte cable. Jun 13 22:39 |
RT @ginatrapani: "there's a whole industry of sites devoted to Apple fan fiction" Jun 10 1:51 |
The absolute best things in the world. Tell me he doesn't get it right. May 21 12:02 |
If one needs this app, the answer is probably yes. RT @margafret: Should I break up with my boyfriend? May 4 2:34 |
Student's brain activity flatlines during class: May 1 19:41 |
What a terrible article. @Forbes: FBI warns that you need to clean up your computer or you could lose Internet access Apr 26 17:15 | ||
I hate streets that use all the numbers. Apr 26 10:25 | ||
iOS doesn't crash any less than Android. It just doesn't admit it when it happens. Apr 25 23:27 |
iOS doesn't crash any less than Android. It just doesn't admit it when it happens. Apr 25 23:27 |
Packed Titanic theater. The only guy. One of perhaps six old enough to have seen it the first time. Apr 13 20:25 | ||
Jobs in IP intensive industries. Apr 13 19:41 |
R2D2 cake. Well done. Apr 12 22:09 |
RT @ProPublica: A haunting photo essay on U.S. juvenile detention centers: #muckreads (via @coracurrier) Apr 12 21:07 | ||
A picture was stolen... nl Apr 12 13:54 |
RT @BoingBoing: Secret history of the near-construction of a lifesized Starship Enterprise in downtown Las Vegas Apr 10 10:40 |
By packing a round sandwich in a square tin, one may avoid the arbitrariness otherwise involved in a diagonal cut, achieving maximum taste. Apr 9 16:57 |
Brilliant: Repurpose a Squeeze Bottle for Perfect Pancakes Apr 8 11:04 |
Why can't I prepare your products in a toaster oven?
Our Product Development personnel do not recommend using a toaster oven due to the toaster oven's small size and proximity of the heating element to the container.
set :php_bin, "/usr/local/bin/php-5.3"
Your path may differ. I'm still mad at Geocities for deleting my website after I signed up for a second account because 2MB wasn't enough. Apr 3 18:01 |
var loc = { currentState: 0, states: [ {scroll: 0} ], hasScrolled: true, initHistory: function() { var History =; if (History.enabled) { // Before binding events, replace the state with the proper ID. // Otherwise, strange things happen. History.replaceState({state:0}); // Bind the state change event (Dojo won't do this for some reason) History.Adapter.bind(, "statechange", loc.handleStateChange); // Bind the anchor click on(baseWin.body(), "a[href]:click", loc.anchorClick); // Bind the scroll event on(, 'scroll', function() { loc.hasScrolled = true; }) // Store the scroll position every 500ms setInterval(function() { if (loc.hasScrolled) { loc.states[loc.currentState].scroll =; loc.hasScrolled = false; } }, 500) } }, anchorClick: function(e) { var History =, rootUrl = History.getRootUrl(), node =; // Remove orphaned states loc.states = loc.states.slice(0, loc.currentState + 1); // Initialize the new state loc.states[loc.currentState + 1] = {scroll: 0}; // If there is a span, b, i, etc inside the link, that will be the target node. // This loop finds the actual anchor. while (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'a') { node = node.parentNode; } var url = domAttr.get(node,"href"), isInternalLink = url.substring(0,rootUrl.length) === rootUrl || url.indexOf(":") === -1; if (isInternalLink) { event.stop(e); url = url.replace(rootUrl,"") History.pushState({state:loc.currentState + 1},"",url); } }, handleStateChange: function(e) { var History = state = History.getState(); // Load the state id loc.currentState =; // IMPLEMENTATION SPECIFIC XHR STUFF // onSuccess: function() {, loc.states[loc.currentState].scroll); // } } }[/codesyntax] Naturally, the above code would have to be modified for another application, but I hope that the method is clear and is of use to someone.
Star Trek, drug searches, police dogs, bad cops. The canine section is particularly interesting. Apr 1 12:02 |
.hideable { opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; transition: visibility 0.5s linear 0.5s, opacity 0.5s ease; -moz-transition: visibility 0.5s linear 0.5s, opacity 0.5s ease; -webkit-transition: visibility 0.5s linear 0.5s, opacity 0.5s ease; -o-transition: visibility 0.5s linear 0.5s, opacity 0.5s ease; } .visible { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; transition-delay:0s; -moz-transition-delay:0s; -webkit-transition-delay:0s; -o-transition-delay:0s; }[/codesyntax] I use visibility for two reasons: (1) elements can be sized according to their contents before being shown, (2) visibility can be transitioned. The second reason is important, because otherwise it would require additional Javascript to delay the hiding of the element until after the opacity transition runs. This works in Desktop Safari, Chrome, Firefox, the Android Browser, and Mobile Chrome. In Mobile Safari, however, the element does not get shown until you click on another link. I originally solved this by disabling the visibility transition in iOS, but I ran into another problem. Merely toggling visibility breaks Mobile Safari's new native "overflow: auto/scroll" functionality. I'll talk about this problem in more detail later. For now, the solution is to disable the transition and use display instead of visibility in Mobile Safari: [codesyntax lang="css" title="Mobile Safari Fix"]
body.iOS .hideable { display: none; opacity: 1; -webkit-transition: none; visibility: visible; } body.iOS .visible { display: block; }[/codesyntax]
How was I not following @TheRealNimoy before? Thank the Shatner. Also, Sheldon meets Spock tonight. I'm happy for him. Mar 29 12:16 | ||
@leolaporte Your current shoes are too old to walk to the store? We don't hold with that online shopping stuff in Canada. Mar 29 12:12 | ||
Download faster! Mar 29 12:09 | ||
Won a free copy of the @Newsweek Beatles issue! I never win Twitter contests. Mar 29 12:08 | ||
I often find that lawyers have trouble calling me Billy. I should find a way to turn this to my advantage. Mar 29 11:53 | ||
@gruber The simplest and most impressive thing about Paper is that nothing happens when you rotate the iPad. Like paper. Mar 29 11:43 |
@joemittler I now anticipate trouble when I try to parse the French XML files. Mar 28 17:57 | ||
I enjoyed this book a lot. It was written in 1994 and Stephenson hadn't quite developed the "infodump" at this point, but I definitely recognized the writing... | ||
He just has to be nonviolent, look how thick his glasses are: Mar 28 12:43 |
How sweet. A door to door salesman. Mar 28 3:08 |
I disagree, #TTC. Free papers on subway seats are a great way to pass the time. Plus, reuse saves trees. Mar 27 17:29 |
I like this iPad more than I thought that I would. Mar 26 12:54 |